My name is Ken LeValley, owner of Yellavel Productions. Music has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. As a teenager I wanted to be a rapper, but as an adult I wanted to be a music producer. That's when I decided to start my own music production company! Built on the idea that I can help others make great music.

It all started when I was around 6; playing on my sisters Casio keyboard. A few years later, I got a digital table top drum set. That's when I started to come up with my own raps. It wasn't until I was 15 that I took it more seriously. I hooked up with my homie from the neighborhood and we started a rap duo named Sycotic Mindz. However, life went on, I moved from Michigan to Iowa, and the rap duo just didn't prosper. I tried some solo work, but I realized after making the beats for my songs, that I loved making beats more than rapping.

Fast forward to 2016, I decided I wanted to start my own music production company. In the beginning, it was MADTEL Productions; an acronym for Musical Arrangements Designed To Enrich Lives. That didn't last long, though. In 2019, I rebranded as Yellavel Productions, and if you're wondering, Yellavel is my last name spelt backwards.

As a child, I knew music was something I wanted to pursue. It started as wanting to be in the spotlight, to being the man behind the scenes. Either way, it brings me much joy to know I can help other people make amazing music!